Bowen is a manual technique that includes gentle movements that send neurological impulses to the central nervous system, which leads to muscle response, relaxation, and pain reduction.
This type of treatment is used for many diseases and is suitable for both children and pregnant women.
It improves physical, emotional, and mental state.
BOWEN is recommended for the following conditions:
- Asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, constipation, diarrhea, cramps, gastritis, problems with the liver, gall bladder, fluid retention, stones and sand in the kidney and problems with the cardiovascular system…
- Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, hip problems, knee problems, ankle problems, feet problems, bunions, frozen shoulder…
- Endocrine system: diabetes, hyper and hypo function of the thyroid gland and other hormonal problems.
- Sterility, irregular menstrual cycle, PMS, cysts, ovarian fibroids, fibrocystic breasts.
- Neurological conditions such as: sciatica, discus hernia, neuralgia…
- Disorders of the immune system, chronic fatigue syndrome, problems related to stress, depression, dizziness, nocturnal urination.